Buenos Aires
A graphic designer, professional, with 13 years of experience. Lives in Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), Argentina. Works at ivdisenio. Is interested in Graphic Design. Ivan joined FOROALFA in 2010.
Dec 2020 I like the article:
Aug 2017 I like the article:
Jul 2017 I like the article:
Mar 2016 I like the article:
Sep 2015 I like the article:
Oct 2014 I like the reply of Kevo Lecque in the dialog started by Kevo Lecque en el artículo
Marcas adaptables: ¿tendencia o recurso forzado?
Apr 2014 I like the article:
Feb 2014 I like the article:
Dec 2013 I like the article:
Sep 2013 I like the article: