Last week
Luciano Calvo commented on the article The casting session
Solo cuando el diseñador no sabe hacer su trabajo es que mezcla otras tareas en su propósito.
Hay una actividad que difícilmente la hará un diseñador.
Algo que mezcla psicología y venta. Y luego de resolver eso, también comunicación.
El diseñador que solo está detrás de la pantalla, ese agente, está muerto.
7 months ago
Alejandro Rodríguez Musso commented on the article The equal and the different
Excellent and inspiring reflection. Thanks for share it.
7 months ago Norberto Chaves Published:
7 months ago Norberto Chaves Published:
11 months ago
Israel Garcia Aviles commented on the article Some ideas are too big
En mi punto de vista para darle continuacion a una idea grande debemos realizar una lluvia de ideas y sobre todo aterrizar bien nuestras ideas, creo que estas deben ser realistas ya que puede pasar que la idea crezca a un grado en el que siquiera se le pueda dar una continuacion.
11 months ago
Israel Garcia Aviles commented on the article Finding Your Perfect Brand Name
Muy de acuerdo, algo que se debe tomar mucho en cuenta a la hora de escojer el nombre y empresa,producto etc
One year ago
Israel Garcia Aviles commented on the article Minimalist Packaging
Quede facinado por lo que he leido, logro resolver mis dudas acerca de este tema. Siempre he creido que la parte de embalaje debe ser mucho contenido y demas, pero ahora veo que no necesariamente tiene que ser de esta manera. Me gusta que se explique esta parte del comprador, como es que tenemos solo unos pocos segundos para llamar su atencion, me llevo demasiadas cosas de este articulo especialmente la parte en la que se menciona «Menos cantidad y más calidad de información».
One year ago
Luciano Calvo commented on the article The Critical Designer and Material Culture
No, lo siento (bueno, no tanto). El diseñador, como cualquier otro ente con un cargo social, ya caducó. Si apenas se salve aquel que sea puente del diseño y no de su categoría de diseñador.
One year ago
Viviana Reyes commented on the article Every logo should be…
Exacto, cada logotipo que es realizado debe ser especifico así como mencionas, puesto que si nos basamos en las reglas universales, la marca no tendría una identidad clara, ya que cada diseño debe ir acorde a su necesidad estratégica y comunicacional, porque que sería de una marca si su logotipo esta hecho de una manera que no comunica lo que en realidad es. Esta no tendría ni una buena identidad ni imagen visual por parte del consumidor... Lo que si me queda en duda, es que ocurriría con los micro emprendedores que deciden lanzar una marca y diseñan particularmente su logo, en este ¿debería ir solo el isotipo o también podría ir el logotipo (texto) o ambos? 🙊
One year ago Nathaly Pinto Published:
Nov 2021
Elizabeth Acosta commented on the article Some ideas are too big
Maybe there are ideas that are simply too big for a person's born privilege. A lower class single mother can have the great idea of a new product than can be sold in the market. However, she does not have the time to take the next step between two full time jobs and children. Sometimes it is up to us, so many times it is not. Is the idea too big for some people or simply too big for the poor class end of capitalism?
Aug 2021
Elena Bayiya Fernandez Santos commented on the article Ten Things I Have Learned
Although I think the number 10 is a bit small for the amount of knowledge a designer with the trajectory of Milton Glaser must have had, I really like how this article is well summarized and exposed (wish I've found it earlier :c ). We learn by doing and by messing things up, is one of the basic rules of design (and life if you analyze it well). And in the graphic industry you can mess it up in a lot of different ways on one topic only, that’s why I founded interesting when graphic designers talk (or write) about their misfortunes, because it’s a little pat in the back telling new designers «it’s ok if you screwed up, you are learning, and you are going to keep learning all your life» and that those mistakes only help us to give form to the professionals we want to be.
Aug 2021
Elena Bayiya Fernandez Santos commented on the article Finding Your Perfect Brand Name
I agree with your article, sometimes a great product or service get lost because it’s poorly branded or because it has a forgettable name. One of the reasons behind this is that the creators were more focused on the product (which is an important task that also needs to be very well thought out) than the name under they’re gonna sell it. Forgetting that everything communicates something to the buyer, starting with the name, is a mistake anyone starting a company should avoid.
Aug 2021
Elena Bayiya Fernandez Santos commented on the article The capacity of visualizing
From visualizing to materializing is a capacity every human should take advantage of, this imagination to foresee how something could react or behave in different environments is what help us move forward, and it’s something we as designers tend to forget. We create something and we really like the final product but, if necessary, don’t want to change anything about it although or intuition is telling us we should.
Aug 2021
Elena Bayiya Fernandez Santos commented on the article I am designer anthropologist
I believe this is a method not only the «anthropologist designers» should work with, but every designer. Many of the points expressed here are a base in the practice of graphic design, not only in the range of "switching countries" designers.
Nov 2020
Ana Paula Martinez commented on the article Some ideas are too big
I loved the example that you used of the airline, and how a normal average persona can perceive that in their everyday lives. Not only does the article emphasizes the way Virgin Atlantic closed their deal in order to survive in the market, but pointed out a very important notion, an average person, would think that it was too risky and that they wouldn´t have risked their whole company, but everyone needs to think BIG. many people limit themselves, instead of standing out and being brave and comfortable with their risky decision, that´s why we need business creativity in our study plans, because little by little it is becoming even more extinct. We have to stand out in order to be a greater version of ourselves
Jun 2020
Ricardo Adolfo Mora Gaitán commented on the article Finding Your Perfect Brand Name
Un artículo bastante practico y sirvió mucho y muchas gracias
Jun 2020 Pablo Zarate Published:
Apr 2020 Silvina Rodriguez Picaro Published:
Jan 2020
Josué Carrada replied in the dialogue started by Román Perona in the article
Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design
Muchas gracias, ya los descargué. Me serán de gran ayuda para mi investigación
Jan 2020
Guillermo Dufranc replied in the dialogue started by Román Perona in the article
Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design
Hola Josué. Puedes leer más artículos en Foro Alfa, incluso descargar mis libros en PDF desde mi blog
También está a la venta en Amazon la versión en inglés de uno de los libros
Advertising used to give the voice of brands. However, there are many more cases of brands that were built without the help of advertising. All decisions related to packaging, from structure and graphics, build the identity of a brand. This book will guide
Jan 2020
Josué Carrada replied in the dialogue started by Román Perona in the article
Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design
Hi, i´m an industrial designer and i would like to read more about your work cause i find interesting the things you say you´ve found out. Hope you could share your work cause i´m interested in working on food design to improve food habits
Jun 2019 André Ricard Published:
Jun 2019 Fernando Del Vecchio Published:
Feb 2019 Sebastian Guerrini Published:
Dec 2018
Jorge Frascara commented on the article What graphic design awards can't see
Excellent point. I have raised related concerns to some competition organizers, never with any effect. Competitions make room for nice parties and more diplomas for the walls of design offices. What I have never seen since the Australian "Design effectiveness Awards" of the 1990s, is information as to whether the objectives of the project were achieved, and the extent to which were achieved. I have never seen baseline data before the design intervention and effect after the design intervention. What merit are competitions recognizing? Visual originality? Wit? Let's get serious if we want design to be taken seriously. Thank you Pau, for raising your concerns.
Dec 2018 Pau De Riba Published:
Nov 2018
Diana Rosales B commented on the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
Ultimamente me he vuelto más consciente de las consecuencias del consumo diario. Realmente me he puesto a pensar todo lo que consumimos cada día y que se termina yendo a la basura, o peor aún, que termina contaminando nuestros océanos y ríos y el planeta en general. Como diseñadores nuestro deber es solucionar problemas por medio del diseño, y creo que esta es una oportunidad perfecta para poder ayudar al planeta y también educar al consumidor en cuanto a sus hábitos de reciclaje y consumo. Lo que más me gustó fue ver que hay más soluciones que solamente usar packaging que ya ha sido reciclado, si no que hay formas de que el packaging sea reciclado por el consumidor. La solución que más me gustó fue la de hacer refill con los contenedores, ya que compras el contenedor solo una vez, ahorras y ayudas a reducir la basura. Creo que es un habito que deberíamos de empezar a tomar todos, y porque no es fácil entonces es necesario que las empresas no te dejen opción y que en cierta parte te obliguen a tomar estos hábitos.
Nov 2018
Elvira Dominguez commented on the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
"the packaging can be used to communicate tips on how to recycle or reuse the packaging, how to separate, what their components are or how much they contribute to improve sustainability and raise public awareness at the same time" Acknowleding that tis is a subject that a lot of people is talking about, zero waste packaging is implemented inside the "fitness world", and "vegan world". People in 2018 are changing their costums, just because we are aware about what is happening with the world, but trying to make it possible around the word is kind of "impossible" just because the plastic industry will not be allowed to break, and lose billons.
Nov 2018
Regina Gutierrez commented on the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
«One of the things you have to remember about sustainability is that it will take it forever.»
Increíble artículo!!! La frase que pongo arriba es la que más me llama la atención! Habla de que sustentabilidad tardará para siempre y creo que no es así! Creo que ya estamos creando un concepto que vivir en una sustentabilidad total es impossible pero que si podemos todos aportar como en el producto de la miel que habla de cómo sin envase luego sirve para crecer flores esto significa más polen para las abejas y creo que lo Mas importantes de la sustentabilidad es eso... recrear vida no cortar el ciclo natural de la naturaleza y creo que así aportamos más al cuidado del planeta que al crear nuevos productos que substitúyan otro porque es más fácil para el consumidor mantener sus hábitos diarios incertando sustentabilidad en sus vidas sin que se den cuenta que obligarlos a cambiar sus rutinas y a consumir nuevos productos!
Nov 2018
Guillermo Dufranc replied in the dialogue started by Nicole Crespo in the article
Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
Thank you for your comment, Nicole. I think the war against plastic is worthless. We need plastic for our life and for our industry. What we really have to do is to stop throwing plastic where it can´t be recycled and eradicate single-use packaging. That is how we will reduce and recycle plastic waste definitely.
Nov 2018
Christian Benítez commented on the article And, how my client's brand is doing?
Para lograr cambios efectivos que alcancen determinados objetivos es necesario realizar una investigación previa. Un diseñador o creativo puede tener ideas increíbles, pero si no conoce la situación de la marca y lo que esta en realidad necesita, esas grandes ideas fracasan en la vida real, porque no se basan en un diagnóstico apropiado. Las marcas son uno de los intangibles más importantes de cualquier compañía, producto o servicio y los cambios que se realizan a estas no se pueden dar a lo loco, se necesita pensar claramente lo que se quiere lograr y donde se quiere ubicar con respecto a su consumidor. Un ejemplo, aunque un poco aislado que se dio en Ecuador, fue el cambio drástico que realizó un banco a su marca, porque el simple hecho de cambiar su logo a un imagotipo con un aspecto moderno y abstracto causó al principio un choque en la percepción de las personas, de ahí a que el cambio haya sido acertado o no, habrá que ver, pero se noto el efecto. Igual que el cambio de lo logotipo de Uber, un mínimo cambio puede afectar percepciones por lo que se debe actuar siempre bajo un respaldo que te permita sustentar el por qué.
Nov 2018 Raúl Belluccia Published:
Oct 2018
Nicole Crespo commented on the article To Think, Feel and Do: Three Clues to Perception
In a world as mediatic as today, it is difficult to define a specific group. Humans receive excessive amounts of information per day, either by social networks, by articles, or by the same films. So campaignings becomes more complicated, being fundamental to appeal to the feelings, since these are more likely to be recorded in our memory.
However, just as there is a overload of information, it also happens the opposite. With the amount of media we overhaul per day, it becomes difficult to analyze the information in detail, so our perception of the media will depend on how analytical we can be. As mentioned in the article, you must have a balance between the rational and emotional, so that both can achieve communicate the desired message.
Oct 2018
Nicole Crespo commented on the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
I consider this initiative very fascinating, not only as a designer who is motivated by these challenges, but because it coincides that in my city (Guayaquil) is being carried a campaign in which the objective is to eradicate the use of plastics in packages.
As you mention, it takes a lot of creativity to make friendly packages for the environment, but the biggest challenge is in our habits. We are so used to plastics that we can’t imagine a life without them. Thats why we need creative minds with enough intelligence to change certain traditions.
Once this is possible, the goal is to be carried out throughout the country and the whole world.
We need to make citizens aware of the damage generated by plastic containers and join the project of a city without them.
Jun 2018 Guillermo Dufranc Published:
Jun 2018 Nelly Paola Armas Castañeda Published:
Jun 2018
Diana Rosales B commented on the article Less is Less, More is More
"Menos es más".
Como diseñadora es una técnica que me gusta aplicar en la mayor parte de mis diseños, creo que es una forma de darle elegancia y simpleza, pero también concuerdo completamente con esté articulo, tal vez es tiempo de dejarlo atrás y verlo más como una cuestión de sentido común que incluso personas que no son parte del mundo del diseño como tal, lo pueden comprender y aplicar. También creo si usamos esté termino seria más para marcar la importancia de no saturar el diseño, aunque sea un diseño complejo, creo que todo tiene un límite que debes respetar para que entonces tu diseño no se empiece a ver sucio o muy saturado sin enfatizar algún elemento en especial.
"Menos cuando menos sea conveniente, y más cuando más sea conveniente".
Cada diseño es diferente, por lo cual debemos de adaptarnos al concepto con el que estamos trabajando, y si menos es más aplica, perfecto, si no, más cuando más sea conveniente sin miedo.
Dec 2017
Noelia Baquerizo commented on the article Are we destined to fail as entrepreneurs?
Hi Marco, Iʼm from Guayaquil and you have no idea how many entrepreneurs there are over here; in fact even I have a project in mind that I would love to launch. However recently I have learned really how much effort there is put into launching your business-which seams obvious-but as designer many times we donʼt consider a lot of aspects of the way a company functions like the financial area. The salary for designers over here is pretty low as well so I think one of the ways we could combat it as a community is set costs for projects, globalize them and stay firm to that price, avoid accepting less just because of the need of a job but staying firm and making your work be respected.
Dec 2017
Elina Perez Urbaneja commented on the article Logo Functions
Useful information
Nov 2017
Axel Rosales commented on the article Design and intelligence development
Today typically, we have created a new society where daily life is vital for all of us, and a way to express ourselves. Graphic design is a way to express culture in order to communicate to every one else.
Aug 2017
Andres Chau commented on the article The citizen designer
Los diseñadores han evolucionado a traves de los años en los tipos de diseños que transmiten hacia la sociedad. Poco a poco estas se han convertido en temas relacionadas al ser humano y la sociedad que lo rodea.
Aug 2017
María Tabush Skinner commented on the article Minimalist Packaging
Con el paso del tiempo, las cosas van evolucionando y van cambiando. El minimalismo es una tendencia que ha venido para quedarse en el diseño gráfico. Aunque parece fácil de lograr, se necesita de mucho análisis para lograr concretar y reducir una idea a su forma más simple. Como dice el artículo "No es menos es más, es menos cantidad y mejor calidad de información"
Jun 2017
Marco Rinaldi replied in the dialogue started by Ashanti Durham in the article
Are we destined to fail as entrepreneurs?
Thats right Ashanti it´s incredible how undervalued is our market. But I think is also ours to be blamed for it.
Mar 2017
Ashanti Durham commented on the article Are we destined to fail as entrepreneurs?
Its very important what you mention about the possibilities that we have as a designer in Latin America, and what surprises me the most is that four years later the monthly salary is basically the same.
Mar 2017
J Antonio Martínez commented on the article Are we destined to fail as entrepreneurs?
Hi Marco, I finish your article and in my opinion, the key of entrepreneur success is, besides to always have courage about your decisions and choices, and I mean to take the opportunities you have in front of you always, the key is to always contemplate your possibilities, to have everything under control, to assume that as possible is to win in some things It´s a 50-50 chances of loosing an to know what are you going to do if this is the case so you have other choices.
Thanks for your article.
Mar 2017
Linda Salas commented on the article The citizen designer
Los diseñadores como intérpretes, gestores, y transformadores de nuestra realidad generadores de un diseño con valor y humanizador, conscientes de la relación que tenemos con otros agentes y disciplinas, todas evolucionando paralelamente a causa de los cambios en el contexto político, social y económico. El Diseño debe ser coherente, basado en las necesidades reales del ser humano, aportando esta constante innovación que demandan las sociedades, los propios cambios humanos, el avance de la tecnología y su necesaria humanización.
Mar 2017
Vladimir Villa Guerrero commented on the article The citizen designer
As designers, being merged in the social medium, and surrounded by social experiences, can be used to do a more complete result (product) but many times we let our own interests and opinions to configure the way we finish our projects, and in this process, the most important part (which is to satisfy social needs, in case of social design) is eclipsed by the need of being visually likable or aesthetically pleasing.
We shouldnʼt just consider the outside part, if we can find a way to transmit a strong message and reach important topics (such as politics, or social movements) we can transcend from making objects to making ICONS, and the most valuable thing about an icon, is that it hardly gets forgotten.
Feb 2017
Anie Ht commented on the article The citizen designer
We all like to make a "pretty something" that is likeable by many. This is the reason this I believe that luxury design is more popular than social design; therefore, it is more socially acceptable to create something that is just pretty.
I, as a student, can see this at my school. Designs based on form, and not so much in function, are awarded more often than social design. And Iʼve just realized that one way or another, this is a daunting motive.
I know that this does not justify the actions we take and the things we decide to design, we should start little by little with projects that change the way people view design, to really go beyond aesthetics.
Nov 2016
Nicole Garzón commented on the article Ten principles of graphic design
Very clever article and way to summarize design principles. Itʼs very important as a designer to know this stuff because it helps us in our daily work. Not everyone understands the concept of graphic design and what it implies which is a problem nowadays. Maybe this principles will help not just designers but every creative.