Complete guide to graphic design: Keys to learning about logo design

A comprehensive compilation of logo creation. Learn everything you need to know about graphic design, online graphic design and freelance graphic designers, with deep reflections, case studies, bibliographic references, enriching discussions, and practical recommendations.

Ten Things I Have Learned
I'm sharing some things I've learned over the years, which have much to do with what we, the designers, do.
Some ideas are too big
We all have ideas. Some have great ideas. What is the difference between an idea and a big idea?
Logo Functions
Not all brands are used for the same purposes. Knowing in detail the functions that they must fulfill, is essential to design them well.
Felix Beltran
Magician and master of precise expressive form.
The citizen designer
In the dark days that live Mexico, emerges a discussion about how designers get involved with social conflicts.
Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design
Since nutritional information became important and popular concern about it grew dramatically, many food brands have foreseen this as an opportunity to build their identity.
Birth and Evolution of the Brand in 7 Steps
The commercial brand was born 3500 years ago.First it was a sign, then a meaning, later a TV story in 30 seconds. Today, it is a complex social and transmedial phenomenon.
A “graphic Houdini”
The combined role of programmatic restrictions and creativity in the accomplishment of message effectiveness.
The Seventh Commandment
The tribute, robbery and theft of authorship, have blurred boundaries in the design practice.
What graphic design awards can't see
This article analyzes the lack of information available to the design awards jury, and how that compromises their ability to actually evaluate the value of a project.
Reality of «Reality»
Missing the authenticity of pre-marketing, we have created an equally artificial aesthetic of tradition and handicrafts.
And where are the opportunities?
Somebody has a problem and somebody has the answer to that problem, but... ¿How can we do to meet this couple?
A navel too big
Isn't it too much to ask design to “make the world better”? Isn't there in such request an exacerbation of its goals (and of designers) above its possibilities and concerns?
Invisible Design
After the “premium” stage where design acts as quality mark, good design should become a “commodity”, a component of the welfare society we take for granted.
Social design: definitions
Graphic design seeking for understanding between sender and receiver through communication.
Ambiguity & Truth
“Make it clear.” This fundamental assumption of communication would seem to be an attainable goal. Objectify the audience, understand their desires—appeal to their interests, eliminate the extraneous and presto “effective communication.” Well, maybe not.
Sign consumption
Culture adherence to the speech of globalization require reviewing purposes and values design assumed.
What is social design?
Design's social impact is a research area not covered enough by designers.
Minimalist Packaging
Minimalism requires to decide on what is really necessary from what is not.
Creative Myopia
The lack of strategic thinking in design and creativity proposals leads indirectly to the standardization of creative results.
Posada Beyond La Catrina
A century since his death, José Guadalupe Posada left a wide heritage, not only engravings and skull, but he was a pioneer of editorial and graphic design in México.
Logos to Go
Corporate identity design is changing. There are designers for whom quantity matters more than quality.
Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
Although to eradicate packaging waste may sound impossible to achieve, sustainability is a path to take and make improvements over time to reduce environmental impact.
What Does My Design Communicate?
Bad communication is a problem that we experience every day. Design plays an important role in communication and should be congruent.
The Rise of Craft Beer
Craft beers are opting for innovative designs, focusing more on communicating their quality and craftsmanship than denote European tradition.
Design on the Edge
Marcos García is a talented Argentinean graphic designer and illustrator who uses cutter instead of pencil to produce his amazing designs.