Introduction to graphic design: Basic and advanced concepts of online graphic design (Page 2)

A starting point to understand everything about freelance graphic designers. A concise and practical guide to graphic design, graphic design agencies and visual design and communication, with innovative ideas, success stories, specialized bibliography, debate forums, and valuable suggestions.

A passion for design
Who doesn't want to feel passion for what he or she likes, and loves?
Social design cases
Social design as a part of graphic design is not only a matter of concepts; it is fundamentally awareness on what is designed and what is done.
Design Contests
Contests aren't the cause of the main structural problems of the design profession, but an excellent reflection of such problems.
Design and intelligence development
Human beings are born with several potentialities marked by genetics; nevertheless, today we know that we can develop some others through certain stimulus, like design.
Innovation on Design Is Not Inside Design
Nowadays, is common to listen in almost every conversation “innovation” term. Everything must be “innovative”. However, innovation is not the same for everyone.
Designing for Restaurants
If you ever have the fortune of working for a restaurant, you will have to think in a different way.
Sundays Smell of Roast Chicken
The least one can ask of a chair is for it to be functional and ergonomic but these qualities no longer suffice Today a chair will have to adjust to the shifting tastes of society
Web and Graphic Design for Posterity
Lots of clients ask us for «modern» designs. How healthy is it for the client's wallet, or our own, to follow imposed trends?
Vindicating Handwriting
Design is often associated with normalization and sterilization. But handwriting is still a good way to reconnect with our roots and recover vitality.
Creation as the Human Essence
In a world surrounding us with material, creation has become part of our essence, a key piece in the evolution of mankind.
About Effectiveness
Being efficacious entails doing the right things; being efficient, doing them correctly. Being effective means being efficacious and efficient.
Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant
The values and sensations that used to be conveyed through the physical characteristics of the medium should not be replaced by a void now.
Green Models in Classroom
Design teachers must spread pedagogical processes for a green world to reduce the impact of our academic exercises on the local environment.
Graphic Design New Fields
Macro-trends and behavior patterns allow to visualize new fields of action for graphic design in the future.
Branding types
Branding is connected with brand image, positioning and reputation. It is the result of an endless list of marketing and design strategies.
Graphic Design Students Have No Holiday Season
It's not easy being a designer. It involves sacrificing so many things, among them, to be working at all times, because for a designer, what is «holidays season»?
Why Does the Client Think Different?
When a client rejects our work is usually because we do not take their opinion into account. We think that it is only us, the designers, who have the knowlegde.
I am designer anthropologist
My job, to design brands for clients who have an international projection, led me to do a different activity from the one of the traditional designer.
Being a new rockstar of design
Can future designers create a sustainable personal image on any scenario that the market might present?
Making a Living as a Designer
Why designers'compensation continues to be so low? A question that still calling for an answer.
Learning, the Hard Way
My first steps as an independent graphic designer. Mistakes and some useful tips.
Planned Obsolescence
Design should no longer respond to market interests anymore, but to the human needs that as a global community we have created as time goes by.
We Must Learn to Play the Game
In the market there are good and bad designers, good and bad clients, all sort of competition and prices. All of them are some of the components of the game to play.
The ornaments
An incitement to reconsider the role of the ornament on design works.
Argentine Wine Needs Concept
In the competitive wine market the need to communicate concepts through label design is essential. Labels must capture the consumers’ attention and seduce them.
The capacity of visualizing
The essential of designing resides on the ability to imagine how things will work before they materialize.
Design Manifesto
Ten principles that guide my daily design practice.
Graphic design's carbon footprint
Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse effect gases, bound to a product or service.