Felix Beltran

Magician and master of precise expressive form.

Joan Costa, author AuthorJoan Costa Followers: 2614

Luz Del Carmen A. Vilchis Esquivel, translator TranslationLuz Del Carmen A. Vilchis Esquivel Followers: 169

Main illustration of the article Felix Beltran

Felix Beltran is not a graphic designer at the use. It’s a real graphic artist. He is a graphic designer in the full sense of the term. He embodies an institution of visual thinking and artistic expression in Latin America and the World.

No frills, no unnecessary elements or free and easy decorativisms-but also without sterile-functionalisms, Félix Beltrán's work uses the best graphics in the Western tradition with calm and consistent modernity. Felix is the paradigm of this difficult art that is capable of absorbing a complex idea and translate it into a formal synthesis refined and enduring. In time and memory.

His work is not unrelated to the Gestalttheorie and the perception laws. This is the source of the effective concretion of his work, his pregnancy and, therefore, the secret of his longevity and universality.

The Felix Beltran graphic language rooted in three visions, specifically human:

  • Space
  • Time
  • Geometry

That is why his work, including the beginnings of his career, never age. Those are not fashion products. They are ideas. Culture. A culture based on the study (New York, Washington, Madrid) and consecrated with two honoris causa doctorate degrees.

But Felix does not offer the unique heritage of his Mastership. His work is indissociable from a living example His friends and his students, who are many, are witnesses of his generosity and at the same time, the transmitters of his original and solid graphic art conception. That as his own person, in the simplicity of form contains rich and deep contents. So is Felix Beltran and so is his work. His Mastership is the distillation of sixty years of professional life, including fifty years of academic life. Excellence is impressive and the amount of distinctions, awards and international senior positions that Felix Beltran holds around the world, from Mexico to Italy, from Germany and Switzerland to Great Britain, from New York to Japan.

However, a social disease suffering today is indifference and oblivion. Felix Beltran deserves... No. Rectified. The new generations of designers deserve: that Felix's work illuminates their routes in this everyday world where there is so much confusion, so much devaluation of the real thing, so much loss of substance.

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Main illustration of the article Birth and Evolution of the Brand in 7 Steps
Birth and Evolution of the Brand in 7 Steps The commercial brand was born 3500 years ago.First it was a sign, then a meaning, later a TV story in 30 seconds. Today, it is a complex social and transmedial phenomenon.


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