Salha sobre La Marca Argentina ¿plagiada por un banco árabe? (24983)
Diálogo iniciado por Ihab Salha en el artículo La Marca Argentina ¿plagiada por un banco árabe?

Hello Rafael, I am very glad to see your study. I just wanted to elaborate further, we did find out about the plagiarism in the same year we launched Al Masraf identity and we thought we have fallen victims of it. I personally do my best to control the studio designers from using «royalty free art» in creating logo identities. Royalty free online libraries have plenty of ribbon designs available for download in vector format, we could have used the same art without defending who used it first. Our designer have used it as is (without distorting it horizontally) and Argentina Mark designer did.

Creo, como dice Ihab, que este es un caso de «librerías libres de derechos». Con clientes de presupuestos reducidos, SERÍA comprensible. Lo que me apena es que tratándose de clientes tan importantes (al menos por su tamaño), ambos diseñadores hayan usado el recurso tal como estaba y no como un punto de partida para lograr algo mucho mejor.
It WOULD be understandable with low budget clients. What saddens me is that since these clients are so important (at least in size), both designers have used the resource «as is», not as a starting point to achieve better results.