Bogotá D.C.
A graphic designer, student, with 16 years of experience. Lives in Bogotá (Bogotá D.C.), Colombia. Specializes in Fotografía. Is a student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Advertising, Communication, Marketing, Landscaping, Branding, Technology. Leonardo joined FOROALFA in 2012.
De chiquito bailaba villancicos. Escucho buena música mientras diseño. También hago fotos
Apr 2013 I started following:
Apr 2013 I started following:
Apr 2013 I like the comment of César Puertas in the article
No es un asunto de gustos, sino de bases
Apr 2013 I started following:
Apr 2013 I like the comment of Pedro Montañez in the article
No es un asunto de gustos, sino de bases
Apr 2013 I like the article:
Apr 2013 I like the article:
Apr 2013 My reply on the dialogue started by David Andres Monsalve Arcila in the article
No es un asunto de gustos, sino de bases
Lo peor es que los vecotres estan mucho mejor «solucionados» que el logotipo en cuestion
Feb 2013 I like the article:
Feb 2013 I like the article: