Diálogo Nº 21

Diálogo iniciado en el artículo ¿Cuáles son las causas del deterioro de la profesión?

Logotipo de Brandious Brand Bureau
Jul. 2009

Rodolfo is right, but also is Edgardo Lopez with his recent article on the design educational system (in Mexico). It all has to do with education, attitude and a certain dosis of talent.

Educational systems too often cater to demand, and just too many students think that 'studying' design is an easy way out and justifies them using a computer to their leisure while generating an income...

I believe the deteriorating professional environment is due to two factors: the educational system is too loose and too focussed on own income (private institutions), and the market is too unaware of the added values of design; mainly, both are lacking critical views. The designer finds her/himself right in the middle, either not well equiped mentally or with a wrong attitude towards her/his own work or her/his market.

Educating the demand, and being critical about the offering would really make a difference. Luckily Mexico has started thinking about this, educating its government first place.


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