Ciudad de México
Mª del Carmen Szymanski is a graphic designer, professional, professor. Lives in Ciudad de México (Ciudad de México), Mexico. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Branding, Technology, Education. Mª del Carmen is in FOROALFA since 2011.
Nov 2019 I like the article:
Feb 2016 I like the article:
Jul 2015 My reply on the dialogue started by Gustavo Benitez in the article Qué es la tampografía
¿Nos podrías decir cuál es esta empresa?, gracias por el artículo.
Jun 2014 I like the comment of Emmanuel Telles in the article Redefiniendo el diseño editorial
Jan 2014 I like the article:
Jan 2014 I like the article:
Jan 2014 I started following:
Jan 2014 I like the article:
Aug 2013 I like the article:
Apr 2013 I like the article: