A graphic designer, professional, with 25 years of experience. Lives in Tlaquepaque (Jalisco), Mexico. Specializes in Diseño editorial. Works at Montenegro Editores. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Clothing Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Interior Design, Technology. Lily joined FOROALFA in 2006.
Dedicada desde el 2000 al diseño editorial, diseñando folletos, boletines, agendas, catálogos de arte, revistas, libros de investigación y libros didácticos para niños de preescolar y primaria.
Nov 2013 I like the article:
Oct 2013 I like the article:
May 2013 I started following:
May 2013 I like the article:
Jan 2013 I like the article:
May 2012 I like the article:
Apr 2012 I like the article:
Apr 2012 I like the article:
Feb 2012 I like the article:
Feb 2012 My opinion in the article 10 reglas para hacer diseño editorial
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo y he comprobado personalmente que las reglas funcionan. Gracias, muy buen artículo.