Sebastián Obreque

Sebastián Obreque

Rio Negro

Sebastián Obreque is an industrial designer, professional, with 15 years of experience. Lives in Cipolletti (Rio Negro), Argentina. Specializes in Packaging. Works at HIDROELECTRICA EL CHOCON S.A.. Is interested in Architecture, Clothing Design, Industrial Design, Urbanism, Interior Design. Sebastián is in FOROALFA since 2011.


More information about Sebastián Obreque

Persona creativa

Recent activity of Sebastián Obreque

Sebastián Obreque

Mar 2014 I like the article:

Sebastián Obreque

Feb 2014 I started following:

Sebastián Obreque

Feb 2014 I like the article:

Sebastián Obreque

Nov 2013 I started following:

Sebastián Obreque

Nov 2013 I like the article:

Sebastián Obreque

Apr 2013 I like the article:

Sebastián Obreque

Apr 2013 I started following:

Sebastián Obreque

Apr 2013 My opinion in the article Cómo implementar el Design ThinkingCómo implementar el Design Thinking

Muy buen post.. Felicitaciones y gracias por el aporte!! Saludos

Sebastián Obreque

Mar 2013 I started following:

Sebastián Obreque is following 17 profiles

Portrait of Jordi Colet
Jordi Colet Feb 2014
Portrait of Diego Rodriguez
Diego Rodriguez Apr 2013
Portrait of Adrián Pierini
Adrián Pierini Sep 2012
Portrait of Norberto Chaves
Norberto Chaves Aug 2012
Portrait of Jonathan Leon
Jonathan Leon Aug 2012
Portrait of Jose Fernando
Jose Fernando Aug 2012
Portrait of Angélica Mayag
Angélica Mayag Aug 2012
Portrait of Ieni Lara Lara
Ieni Lara Lara Aug 2012
Portrait of Germán Urbaneja
Germán Urbaneja Aug 2012
Portrait of Jesika Herrera
Jesika Herrera Aug 2012
Portrait of Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia Aug 2012

There are 6 followers of Sebastián Obreque

Portrait of Haydée Saavedra
Haydée Saavedra Mar 2013
Portrait of Germán Urbaneja
Germán Urbaneja Aug 2012
Portrait of Ieni Lara Lara
Ieni Lara Lara Aug 2012

Upcoming online seminars (in Spanish)

Refreshing courses to specialize with the best

Estrategia de Marca

Estrategia de Marca

Claves para programar el diseño de símbolos y logotipos de alto rendimiento

20 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Tipología de Marcas

Tipología de Marcas

Criterios y herramientas para seleccionar el tipo adecuado al diseñar marcas

15 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 septiembre