Santiago del Estero
A communication expert, student. Lives in Santiago del Estero (Santiago del Estero), Argentina. Is interested in Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration, Branding. Noelia joined FOROALFA in 2011.
Jun 2020 I like the article:
May 2019 I like the article:
May 2014 My opinion in the article Las letras del ferrocarril
Genial! Muy interesante, qué bueno recuperar lo que nos pertenece. Espero leer la investigación terminada.
May 2014 I like the article:
Nov 2013 I like the article:
Mar 2013 I like the article:
Mar 2013 I like the comment of Edgar Alexander Gutierrez Camacho in the article
Invasión Lobster
Mar 2013 I like the comment of Greta Sánchez in the article
Invasión Lobster
Mar 2013 I like the comment of Jorge Orlando Moctezuma in the article
La fuente de la inspiración
Mar 2013 I like the article: