Bahía Blanca
Buenos Aires
A communication expert, professional, with 30 years of experience. Lives in Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires), Argentina. Specializes in Diseño en comunicación visual. Works at Municipalidad de bahia blanca Agencia de Desarrollo. Is interested in Architecture, Graphic Design, Web Design, Urbanism, Communication, Illustration, Landscaping, Interior Design. Myru joined FOROALFA in 2006.
Sep 2017 I like the article:
Sep 2016 My opinion in the article Las funciones de la marca gráfica
muy claro, gracias por compartir
May 2016 I started following:
May 2016 I like the article:
May 2016 My opinion in the article Toda marca debe ser...
impactante sintesis
Jul 2015 I like the article:
Jan 2015 I like the article:
Oct 2014 I started following:
Sep 2014 I like the article:
Mar 2014 I started following: