A new Marketing for latin america
Estatization process on the region promotes a new marketing focus.
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In 2007, the American Marketing Association defined marketing as an organizational function and a set of processes to generate, communicate and deliver value to consumers, and to manage relationships among them; so that the organization and its shareholders can get benefits.
In this regard, it is important to denote, as a characteristic element of marketing, that the customer relationship management experience a re-conceptualization against the drastic modification of markets in the process of nationalization that is being produced in some countries in Latin America, this does not constitute a loss of essence of the nature of marketing which seeks to conquer new customers or maintain those already on the market.
It is imposed the need to extol new forms of marketing because it has exceeded the original current to frame it all in the process of advertising to sell. The most modern conceptions are based on interdisciplinary approaches provided by different sciences in a constant redefinition.
In some Latin American countries, social changes are expanding the consumer sector as a result of a continued reduction of extreme poverty in a significant number of countries. In this order, access to higher levels of education and health have to do with a relative price stability, while the emergence of proper distribution channels favor disadvantaged sectors. Thus, communication strategies redound to capture the growing number of new consumers, who previously remained indifferent to a variety of inaccessible offers due to their limited possibilities.
It can be noted that the need for a social definition of the marketing policy, which did not have an interpretation of a novel process that means the arrival of new consumers, owners of a different social ideology from the traditional consumer, so their offers need to be better studied. It influences abruptly, therefore it requires a particular way of advertising in order to achieve a more defining and inclusive way to respond. It can be said that the social function of marketing has to be reconsidered in this new scenario.
It deals with a process for influencing behavior towards consumption that implies no small indulgence and depth of study to strengthen those markets within each country. This requires appropriate assessment which lead to strengthen their maturation, as it is urged to take into account the positioning of specialized agencies that warn certain trends, around social changes, that accompany the phenomenon.
Nowadays, when governments of the region advocate policies to encourage intelligent consumption because of the undeniable relationships between purchasing decisions and economic solvency and avoidance of family debts due to unnecessary purchases and irresponsible behavior against the market. Then it is appropriate to review the primitive purposes of marketing in a distanced reorientation of the less necessary items promotion.
Exchange as a essential significance of Marketing, in modern times, is to obtain other product or expected service from others, but endowed with a rational function of use in correspondence with the true needs of consumers, from a previous offering, where this process is configured as an arrangement between parties and often reaches a degree of informality to gain an operative realizable way in mutual agreement.
In this manner, the process of marketing, is undertaken, not as a subtle mechanism of submission and subjugation of consumers, whether newcomers or established in the market. It is about getting constructive relationships and oriented to their legitimacy on the basis of a knowledge of needs and possibilities of consumers. Thus it occurs seeking some balance to satisfy the consumer from the capabilities of the market. Then, intervention strategies are designed to satisfy the needs, therefore the enforcement of an appreciation and respect for consumers, which should allow to maintain relations between states and its own benefit.
The challenge of maintaining a successful marketing process, under such conditions leads us to consider, in advance, the continuous transformation of social preferences, even within age ranges and related sectors. It can not be denied that in Latin America there is a predominant young population. This problem is faced by the market with the assistance of various empirical experiences underlying marketing practices arranged in an environment of acceptance and acquisition of information, because it is urgent to put the phenomenon under interdisciplinary interpretation. It is expected to have a better handle of the products mobility, especially those that at one time were in high demand and, unexpectedly, they lose profit before the push of others. Human perceptions that work for purchases, are subject to constant changes, especially when the consumer is in contact with new offers, even those that do not provide superior competitiveness.
The new digital era rethinks how companies must offer value to their customers, and this boom leads to new forms of diagnosis that allow to characterize all assurances of the offer, including the likely customers behavior in order to develop productions not for individual needs (personalization of offers), but for the behaviors resulting from such challenges. Added to this, the flexibility offered by e-commerce in the field of an increasing facilitation of consumption enables to do shopping without leaving homes and with high levels of security.
To conclude, in some Latin American countries, privatization trends are in a relative containment after having been for many years booming. Besides the nationalization of strategic companies obeys to the need to have concentrated in the hands of state key sectors of the economy to increase its efficiency. Such development is part of an ideological context where there has been a rise of governments with leftist ideologies, this fact holds an update of the contents of Marketing.
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