Agency/Studio with 14 years of experience. This organization is related to Graphic Design, Web Design, Communication, Illustration, Interior Design, Branding. Dailos Pérez González joined FOROALFA in 2008.
Nov 2018 I like the article:
Oct 2018 I like the article:
Jun 2017 I like the article:
Dec 2016 I like the article:
Dec 2016 I started following:
Dec 2016 I like the article:
Jun 2013 I like the comment of Jesus Gaytan in the article
Diseño gráfico, como si tuviera vacaciones
Jun 2013 I like the comment of Alejandro Loera in the article
Diseño gráfico, como si tuviera vacaciones
Apr 2012 I started following:
Apr 2012 I like the article: