A graphic designer, professional, professor, with 13 years of experience. Lives in Chillán (Ñuble), Chile. Specializes in Estrategias de marketing. Works at DIXER. Teaches at Chile. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Advertising, Marketing, Branding, Technology, Motion Graphics. Cristian Danilo joined FOROALFA in 2011.
Máster in Comercial Direction and Sytrategic Marketing / Universidad Andrés Bello & Universidad Europea
Máster in Digital Marketing, Growth hacking and E-commerce / Universidad de Barcelona & OBS
Apr 2013 I like the article:
Apr 2013 I started following:
Jun 2012 I like the article:
Jun 2012 I started following:
Jun 2012 My opinion in the article Diez cosas que aprendí
Simplemente genial.
Jun 2012 I started following:
Jun 2012 I like the article:
Jun 2012 My opinion in the article Esconder y revelar
Exacto, no es necesario que sea conocido, solo superficialmente, «que sea deseado es lo fundamental«
buen artículo.
Jun 2012 My opinion in the article Diseño de experiencias en locales minoristas
Todo juega un papel fundamental, ya que «todo comunica».
Jun 2012 I like the comment of Fermi Bataller in the article
¿La música influencia tu trabajo creativo?