The smart era

A Global Web Index recent study states that Facebook is the most popular social platform of the world with a 56% of active users. Youtube is in the 2nd place.

Mauricio Arboleda Acosta, author AuthorMauricio Arboleda Acosta Followers: 9

Priscila Zuazo, translator TranslationPriscila Zuazo Followers: 5

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Five years ago, Whatsapp didnʼt exist. Ten years ago, just 3% of the Ecuadorian population had Internet access. Nowadays, a study made by points out that Ecuador occupies the 8th place inside the Latin American region with 35% of penetration. On the other hand, Global Web Index sustains that Facebook is the most popular social platform of the world with a 56% of active users. Youtube occupies the 2nd place with 35.4% and then comes Twitter with 30.1%. Countries like Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile keep an average range of unique spectators between 65,000 and 5,400, meaning an 85% to 91% of online population reach, according to data got by ComScore, a specialized company on digital market analysis.

This data puts in evidence that technology has had a huge growth, and that most of the pictures taken in the 19th and 20th centuries were surpassed by the ones taken in this century. This allows us to see a dependence to electronic equipment and moreover, to our smartphones. Each day, we keep attached to a mobile phone since we wake up until we go to sleep; this has given us the possibility to be online almost all day long, except for working hours, in which we are connected to a laptop or to a desktop computer.

It is estimated that a smartphone is seen or at least stared at 150 times a day, in average. According to Google, 25% of searches are performed through a mobile phone. This has granted TV manufacturers a to provide a wide variety of offers, from online 3D movies, to be able to check Facebook or to publish a tweet.

Smartphones penetration to January 2014, image taken from

But the future of TV doesnʼt stop there. The transformation during the upcoming years is focused on the 24/7 Internet connection to offer the user a wide variety of installed applications on the television. With that, we are leading to the one-to-one customized communication through «smart TVs.»

Leading companies in Ecuador are looking for new frontiers to reach for personal and family entertainment. Each user will have options according to his or her necessities and will look for new ways to communicate his or her differentiation. We are not talking about a mass entertainment, but collective audiences with very particular interests, which will allow to take a product or service able to break barriers to them and that can be used in international markets.

Welcome to this new era of intelligent technology and customized content.

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