Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips of interest for the market strategies category.
Guillermo DufrancHealthy Food has Changed Packaging DesignSince nutritional information became important and popular concern about it grew dramatically, many food brands have foreseen this as an opportunity to build their identity.
Fernando Del VecchioThe challenge of communicating valueA question to which creative entrepreneurs have no answer to: the value of their proposal.
André RicardCraftsmanship and designCraftsmanship can not be limited to reproduce past tools and essentials. There is a minor market of handmade products that design should attend to.
Guillermo DufrancMinimalist PackagingMinimalism requires to decide on what is really necessary from what is not.
Ana YagoSundays Smell of Roast ChickenThe least one can ask of a chair is for it to be functional and ergonomic but these qualities no longer suffice Today a chair will have to adjust to the shifting tastes of society
José Antonio GiménezMade in Spain, a RealityWe let qualified professional to leave and we reduce our manufacturing autonomy. And that obviously affects local industrial designers and weakens the companies’ room for manoeuvre.
Juanjo JunoyTo Think, Feel and Do: Three Clues to Perception Understanding how our perception works and how it affects us is the clue to produce really effective messages, not just award-winning ones.
Adrián PieriniPackaging and the World CupPackaging desing specialty revolutionizes during mega sport events.
Daniela Del PinoBranding typesBranding is connected with brand image, positioning and reputation. It is the result of an endless list of marketing and design strategies.
Ana BosslerThe Influence of Fashion Bloggers on E-commerceThe fashion bloggers reduce the transactional costs in e-commerce, acquiring prestige through their posts that have the capacity to accelerate innovation diffusion.
Fernando Del VecchioWe Must Learn to Play the GameIn the market there are good and bad designers, good and bad clients, all sort of competition and prices. All of them are some of the components of the game to play.
Guillermo DufrancArgentine Wine Needs ConceptIn the competitive wine market the need to communicate concepts through label design is essential. Labels must capture the consumers’ attention and seduce them.