Articles of interest for the Industrial Design area

Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips relevant to the area of Industrial Design.

Main illustration of the article The Seventh Commandment
Erik Spiekermann, autor Erik Spiekermann The Seventh Commandment The tribute, robbery and theft of authorship, have blurred boundaries in the design practice.
Main illustration of the article Invisible Design
Pau De Riba, autor Pau De Riba Invisible Design After the “premium” stage where design acts as quality mark, good design should become a “commodity”, a component of the welfare society we take for granted.
Main illustration of the article The citizen designer
Fernando Rodríguez Álvarez, autor Fernando Rodríguez Álvarez The citizen designer In the dark days that live Mexico, emerges a discussion about how designers get involved with social conflicts.
Main illustration of the article Some ideas are too big
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio Some ideas are too big We all have ideas. Some have great ideas. What is the difference between an idea and a big idea?
Main illustration of the article Reality of «Reality»
Pau De Riba, autor Pau De Riba Reality of «Reality» Missing the authenticity of pre-marketing, we have created an equally artificial aesthetic of tradition and handicrafts.
Main illustration of the article A navel too big
Andrés Gustavo Muglia, autor Andrés Gustavo Muglia A navel too big Isn't it too much to ask design to “make the world better”? Isn't there in such request an exacerbation of its goals (and of designers) above its possibilities and concerns?
Main illustration of the article And where are the opportunities?
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio And where are the opportunities? Somebody has a problem and somebody has the answer to that problem, but... ¿How can we do to meet this couple?
Main illustration of the article Design and everyday's life
André Ricard, autor André Ricard Design and everyday's life Designers can make a real contribution to everyday's life quality projecting low-tech objects where the shape itself allows function.
Main illustration of the article Sign consumption
Martín Álvarez Comesaña, autor Martín Álvarez Comesaña Sign consumption Culture adherence to the speech of globalization require reviewing purposes and values design assumed.
Main illustration of the article Realities and Conventions
Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero, autor Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero Realities and Conventions Even though we refuse to accept it, there is indeed life in other brains: the culture of scorn harms us designers.
Main illustration of the article Craftsmanship and design
André Ricard, autor André Ricard Craftsmanship and design Craftsmanship can not be limited to reproduce past tools and essentials. There is a minor market of handmade products that design should attend to.
Main illustration of the article What is social design?
Jorge Luis Muñoz, autor Jorge Luis Muñoz What is social design? Design's social impact is a research area not covered enough by designers.
Main illustration of the article CLAP International Design Awards
Premios Clap, autor Premios Clap CLAP International Design Awards We launch the the first excellence awards for design, branding and communication professionals in Latin America.
Main illustration of the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
Guillermo Dufranc, autor Guillermo Dufranc Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not? Although to eradicate packaging waste may sound impossible to achieve, sustainability is a path to take and make improvements over time to reduce environmental impact.
Main illustration of the article A passion for design
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio A passion for design Who doesn't want to feel passion for what he or she likes, and loves?
Main illustration of the article What is Southern design?
Kevin Murray, autor Kevin Murray What is Southern design? Conventionally, design is a form of development that trickles down from the North to the South. But the strength of tradition in Southern cultures provides rich resources.
Main illustration of the article When Conviction Gets in the Way
Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero, autor Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero When Conviction Gets in the Way Not all pathways lead us to the same design, nor we all have to design through the same pathway.
Main illustration of the article Design Contests
Jorge Illich Carpinteyro, autor Jorge Illich Carpinteyro Design Contests Contests aren't the cause of the main structural problems of the design profession, but an excellent reflection of such problems.
Main illustration of the article Design and intelligence development
Martha Gutiérrez Miranda, autor Martha Gutiérrez Miranda Design and intelligence development Human beings are born with several potentialities marked by genetics; nevertheless, today we know that we can develop some others through certain stimulus, like design.
Main illustration of the article Sundays Smell of Roast Chicken
Ana Yago, autor Ana Yago Sundays Smell of Roast Chicken The least one can ask of a chair is for it to be functional and ergonomic but these qualities no longer suffice Today a chair will have to adjust to the shifting tastes of society
Main illustration of the article Innovation on Design Is Not Inside Design
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio Innovation on Design Is Not Inside Design Nowadays, is common to listen in almost every conversation “innovation” term. Everything must be “innovative”. However, innovation is not the same for everyone.
Main illustration of the article Keep the User in Mind to Overcome the Crisis
Ana Yago, autor Ana Yago Keep the User in Mind to Overcome the Crisis The user – buyer – needs new incentives to purchase a product. It is not enough for it to be functional, it needs to fulfil the values and the lifestyle of the user
Main illustration of the article Made in Spain, a Reality
José Antonio Giménez, autor José Antonio Giménez Made in Spain, a Reality We let qualified professional to leave and we reduce our manufacturing autonomy. And that obviously affects local industrial designers and weakens the companies’ room for manoeuvre.
Main illustration of the article Creation as the Human Essence
Ricardo Rangel, autor Ricardo Rangel Creation as the Human Essence In a world surrounding us with material, creation has become part of our essence, a key piece in the evolution of mankind.
Main illustration of the article Wood’s Future Is in the Rear Mirror
José Antonio Giménez, autor José Antonio Giménez Wood’s Future Is in the Rear Mirror If we want to be recognized, searched, and valued, we should remain faithful to our tradition, recover the virtues of craftwork and with them meet the requirements of the consumer.
Main illustration of the article About Effectiveness
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio About Effectiveness Being efficacious entails doing the right things; being efficient, doing them correctly. Being effective means being efficacious and efficient.
Main illustration of the article Design and chess blindness
José Antonio Giménez, autor José Antonio Giménez Design and chess blindness Low-tech design paves today a path designers should have never left, but businesses are still dazzled by a technological sensationalism that forgot to give answers.
Main illustration of the article Green Models in Classroom
Camilo A. Angulo, autor Camilo A. Angulo Green Models in Classroom Design teachers must spread pedagogical processes for a green world to reduce the impact of our academic exercises on the local environment.
Main illustration of the article Planned Obsolescence
David Gallo, autor David Gallo Planned Obsolescence Design should no longer respond to market interests anymore, but to the human needs that as a global community we have created as time goes by.
Main illustration of the article The ornaments
André Ricard, autor André Ricard The ornaments An incitement to reconsider the role of the ornament on design works.
Main illustration of the article We Must Learn to Play the Game
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio We Must Learn to Play the Game In the market there are good and bad designers, good and bad clients, all sort of competition and prices. All of them are some of the components of the game to play.
Main illustration of the article From the Useful-object to the Object-tool
André Ricard, autor André Ricard From the Useful-object to the Object-tool Freed from its functional responsibility, useful-objects appear as single-useful formal phenomena whose morphology is used to express a particular message.
Main illustration of the article The capacity of visualizing
André Ricard, autor André Ricard The capacity of visualizing The essential of designing resides on the ability to imagine how things will work before they materialize.

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Estrategia de Marca

Estrategia de Marca

Claves para programar el diseño de símbolos y logotipos de alto rendimiento

20 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Tipología de Marcas

Tipología de Marcas

Criterios y herramientas para seleccionar el tipo adecuado al diseñar marcas

15 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 septiembre