Articles of interest for the Communication area

Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips relevant to the area of Communication.

Main illustration of the article Logo Functions
Luciano Cassisi, autor Luciano Cassisi Logo Functions Not all brands are used for the same purposes. Knowing in detail the functions that they must fulfill, is essential to design them well.
Main illustration of the article What graphic design awards can't see
Pau De Riba, autor Pau De Riba What graphic design awards can't see This article analyzes the lack of information available to the design awards jury, and how that compromises their ability to actually evaluate the value of a project.
Main illustration of the article Invisible Design
Pau De Riba, autor Pau De Riba Invisible Design After the “premium” stage where design acts as quality mark, good design should become a “commodity”, a component of the welfare society we take for granted.
Main illustration of the article The citizen designer
Fernando Rodríguez Álvarez, autor Fernando Rodríguez Álvarez The citizen designer In the dark days that live Mexico, emerges a discussion about how designers get involved with social conflicts.
Main illustration of the article Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design
Guillermo Dufranc, autor Guillermo Dufranc Healthy Food has Changed Packaging Design Since nutritional information became important and popular concern about it grew dramatically, many food brands have foreseen this as an opportunity to build their identity.
Main illustration of the article Some ideas are too big
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio Some ideas are too big We all have ideas. Some have great ideas. What is the difference between an idea and a big idea?
Main illustration of the article A “graphic Houdini”
Norberto Chaves, autor Norberto Chaves A “graphic Houdini” The combined role of programmatic restrictions and creativity in the accomplishment of message effectiveness.
Main illustration of the article And where are the opportunities?
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio And where are the opportunities? Somebody has a problem and somebody has the answer to that problem, but... ¿How can we do to meet this couple?
Main illustration of the article Social design: definitions
Jorge Luis Muñoz, autor Jorge Luis Muñoz Social design: definitions Graphic design seeking for understanding between sender and receiver through communication.
Main illustration of the article What is social design?
Jorge Luis Muñoz, autor Jorge Luis Muñoz What is social design? Design's social impact is a research area not covered enough by designers.
Main illustration of the article CLAP International Design Awards
Premios Clap, autor Premios Clap CLAP International Design Awards We launch the the first excellence awards for design, branding and communication professionals in Latin America.
Main illustration of the article Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?
Guillermo Dufranc, autor Guillermo Dufranc Zero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not? Although to eradicate packaging waste may sound impossible to achieve, sustainability is a path to take and make improvements over time to reduce environmental impact.
Main illustration of the article What Does My Design Communicate?
Jorge Del Toro, autor Jorge Del Toro What Does My Design Communicate? Bad communication is a problem that we experience every day. Design plays an important role in communication and should be congruent.
Main illustration of the article The Rise of Craft Beer
Guillermo Dufranc, autor Guillermo Dufranc The Rise of Craft Beer Craft beers are opting for innovative designs, focusing more on communicating their quality and craftsmanship than denote European tradition.
Main illustration of the article Social design cases
Jorge Luis Muñoz, autor Jorge Luis Muñoz Social design cases Social design as a part of graphic design is not only a matter of concepts; it is fundamentally awareness on what is designed and what is done.
Main illustration of the article A passion for design
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio A passion for design Who doesn't want to feel passion for what he or she likes, and loves?
Main illustration of the article Instagram: Rage for Ubiquitous Image
Greta Sánchez, autor Greta Sánchez Instagram: Rage for Ubiquitous Image The most succesful image social network, beyond predjudices about it triviality, is also a tool that can be used in marketing, visual education and ethnograpic research.
Main illustration of the article Purity
Ana Yago, autor Ana Yago Purity The role of photography is still the same: to portray a moment. Real or imagined, the look of the creative is always there, seeing what others will see before shooting.
Main illustration of the article When Conviction Gets in the Way
Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero, autor Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero When Conviction Gets in the Way Not all pathways lead us to the same design, nor we all have to design through the same pathway.
Main illustration of the article Design and intelligence development
Martha Gutiérrez Miranda, autor Martha Gutiérrez Miranda Design and intelligence development Human beings are born with several potentialities marked by genetics; nevertheless, today we know that we can develop some others through certain stimulus, like design.
Main illustration of the article Innovation on Design Is Not Inside Design
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio Innovation on Design Is Not Inside Design Nowadays, is common to listen in almost every conversation “innovation” term. Everything must be “innovative”. However, innovation is not the same for everyone.
Main illustration of the article Vindicating Handwriting
Carlos Rioja, autor Carlos Rioja Vindicating Handwriting Design is often associated with normalization and sterilization. But handwriting is still a good way to reconnect with our roots and recover vitality.
Main illustration of the article Creative Myopia
Pablo Bertero, autor Pablo Bertero Creative Myopia The lack of strategic thinking in design and creativity proposals leads indirectly to the standardization of creative results.
Main illustration of the article About Effectiveness
Fernando Del Vecchio, autor Fernando Del Vecchio About Effectiveness Being efficacious entails doing the right things; being efficient, doing them correctly. Being effective means being efficacious and efficient.
Main illustration of the article Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant
José Antonio Giménez, autor José Antonio Giménez Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant The values and sensations that used to be conveyed through the physical characteristics of the medium should not be replaced by a void now.
Main illustration of the article Finding Your Perfect Brand Name
Silvina Rodriguez Picaro, autor Silvina Rodriguez Picaro Finding Your Perfect Brand Name Every company needs names for their business, for their products, for their services, for their procedures, and even for their mascots (if they have them)!
Main illustration of the article Branding types
Daniela Del Pino, autor Daniela Del Pino Branding types Branding is connected with brand image, positioning and reputation. It is the result of an endless list of marketing and design strategies.
Main illustration of the article Why Does the Client Think Different?
Lorena Garcia Hidalgo, autor Lorena Garcia Hidalgo Why Does the Client Think Different? When a client rejects our work is usually because we do not take their opinion into account. We think that it is only us, the designers, who have the knowlegde.
Main illustration of the article I am designer anthropologist
Sebastian Guerrini, autor Sebastian Guerrini I am designer anthropologist My job, to design brands for clients who have an international projection, led me to do a different activity from the one of the traditional designer.
Main illustration of the article Making a Living as a Designer
Sebastián Vivarelli, autor Sebastián Vivarelli Making a Living as a Designer Why designers'compensation continues to be so low? A question that still calling for an answer.

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Estrategia de Marca

Estrategia de Marca

Claves para programar el diseño de símbolos y logotipos de alto rendimiento

20 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Tipología de Marcas

Tipología de Marcas

Criterios y herramientas para seleccionar el tipo adecuado al diseñar marcas

15 hours (approx.)
1 agosto

Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 septiembre