A graphic designer, professional, professor, with 18 years of experience. Lives in Córdoba (Córdoba), Argentina. Specializes in Diseño de identidad corporativa. Is interested in Graphic Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Branding. Antonella joined FOROALFA in 2011.
Diseñadora Grafica recibida en Aguas de la Cañada.
Dec 2012 I started following:
Dec 2012 I started following:
Sep 2012 I started following:
Mar 2012 I started following:
Mar 2012 I like the article:
Mar 2012 I started following:
Mar 2012 My reply on the dialogue started by Javier Cancino in the article
Lo que el periodista quería saber
Genial!!es un plan macabro aunque buen reto para diseñar estos packagins..
Nov 2011 I like the article: