A graphic designer, professional, with 13 years of experience. Lives in Ambato (Tungurahua), Ecuador. Specializes in Diseño web. Works at Red Agency. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Clothing Design, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Advertising, Urbanism, Textile Design, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Landscaping, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics, Art, Education, Photography. Angel joined FOROALFA in 2013.
Feb 2014 I started following:
Feb 2014 I started following:
Feb 2014 I like the article:
Sep 2013 I like the comment of Paola Elizabeth Salcedo Romero in the article
¿Mantener el estilo o adaptarse a lo nuevo?
Sep 2013 I like the comment of Alejandra Sandoval in the article
¿Mantener el estilo o adaptarse a lo nuevo?
Sep 2013 I like the article:
Sep 2013 I like the article:
Sep 2013 My opinion in the article Cliente vs. Diseñador
Sep 2013 My opinion in the article Publicidad: del concepto a lo psicológico
muy cierto Hector de antemano gracias por la breve pero nutritiva explicación que has brindado....aprendí mas en este articulo que en muchos libros....desearía ver más información como esta.