Find the best thoughts, case studies, book references, debates and tips of interest for the packaging category.
Guillermo DufrancHealthy Food has Changed Packaging DesignSince nutritional information became important and popular concern about it grew dramatically, many food brands have foreseen this as an opportunity to build their identity.
Sofia EscuderoHolistic and bimodal study in packagingThe application of a multi sensorial study of packaging puts us nearer, more accurately, to a brand's global perception.
Guillermo DufrancMinimalist PackagingMinimalism requires to decide on what is really necessary from what is not.
Guillermo DufrancZero Waste Packaging: Possible or Not?Although to eradicate packaging waste may sound impossible to achieve, sustainability is a path to take and make improvements over time to reduce environmental impact.
Guillermo DufrancThe Rise of Craft BeerCraft beers are opting for innovative designs, focusing more on communicating their quality and craftsmanship than denote European tradition.
Adrián PieriniPackaging and the World CupPackaging desing specialty revolutionizes during mega sport events.
Guillermo DufrancArgentine Wine Needs ConceptIn the competitive wine market the need to communicate concepts through label design is essential. Labels must capture the consumers’ attention and seduce them.