Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Buenos Aires

A graphic designer, professional, professor, with 25 years of experience. Lives in Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), Argentina. Specializes in Diseño de Identidad, Gestión y Estrategia de Marca. Works at CINNAMON IDEAS. Teaches at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Clothing Design, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Advertising, Urbanism, Textile Design, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Landscaping, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics, Art, Education, Photography. Maximiliano Juan joined FOROALFA in 2008.


More information about Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortiz is a graphic designer specializing in branding, identity, and strategy, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With extensive experience in national and international projects, he has worked on over 100 projects for major brands, focusing on strategic solutions for communication challenges. A graduate of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), he studied Graphic Design and Image and Sound Design at the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism (FADU).

He currently teaches in the Postgraduate Program of Specialization in Brand Design and Management at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA). In the UBA’s undergraduate Graphic Design program, he is a professor of Institutional Identity Design and an adjunct professor of the course Systems of Audiovisual Design, which explores design elements related to digital media and new platforms. He also taught Visual Communication History 2 at the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism and leads the Seminar on Methodologies and Strategies for Visual Identity Design at Maimónides University.

He is the director and co-founder of, a visual design and communication studio, and regional director of, specializing in branding strategies and activations in Florida, USA. His work encompasses both online and offline brand positioning with a team of professionals experienced in advertising, web, multimedia, and branding.

In the corporate sector, he founded Reputación Online, where he develops strategies to manage corporate image online, and he is also the founder of Smartket Digitalization LLC, focused on process digitization and large-scale platform development. He has served as Cross-Functional UX/UI Mentor for Banco Ganadero in Bolivia and has directed Soulbranding, a company focused on e-commerce solutions, with locations in Madrid, Miami, and Buenos Aires.

He previously led design within the Internal Communications area at Telecom Argentina and served as a strategic designer for Personal, Arnet, and Páginas Amarillas. He has developed identity and branding strategies for major national and international brands and currently serves as a strategic consultant for brands in various countries, including Argentina, the United States, Colombia, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico, Panama, Chile, and Spain.

He also participated in design incubation programs at the Metropolitan Design Center (CMD) and held several roles at Telecom Argentina. He completed his secondary education at St Nicholas English School in Buenos Aires.

Recent activity of Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Jan 2012 I like the article:

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Feb 2011 I like the article:

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Jan 2011 My opinion in the article Quiero cambiar mi logotipo: ¿cómo hago?Quiero cambiar mi logotipo: ¿cómo hago?

Hay que tener sentido del humor y mirar nuestros propios defectos.

Terminé de leer y me quedé con una sensación de molestia al ego, al orgullo del diseñador.

Todas las personas con las Manuel se entrevistó, no eran diseñadores, si una descrifra y decodifica lo que Manuel dice, de lo que Manuel quiere, de lo que la marca necesita, y frente a esto realiza un análisis, en concreto, y pauta un lineamiento, podrán haber varias maneras y caminos para realizar el cambio, pero el objetivo final de cambio, no debería ser tan disimil entre una y otra propuesta.

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Jan 2011 My opinion in the article Rediseño editorial en AcciónRediseño editorial en Acción

Realizar un cambio tan positivo que permita evolucionar una publicación tradicional (y con intervenciones de Fontana nada más ni nada menos) es un gran mérito. No hace falta hablar de la alta calidad del resultado.

Felicitaciones Pablo! y un fuerte abrazo.

Nos estamos viendo.


Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Jul 2010 My opinion in the article Se refrescó la cerveza Beck’sSe refrescó la cerveza Beck’s

Impecable. Que orgullo para el diseño Argentino un estudio que represente tan claramente el nivel creativo local. Felicitaciones.

Maximiliano Juan del Intento Ortíz

Jan 2010 My opinion in the article Peugeot: ¿mejor o Peor?Peugeot: ¿mejor o Peor?

No resalta ninguno de los atributos de marca y mucho menos los del imaginario colectivo: fuerza, firmeza, entereza. Tampoco enfatiza sobre nuevos atributos: modernidad, tecnología (o lo hace tímidamente). Tanto logotipo como símbolo han perdido pregnancia. Se seguirá reconociendo PEUGEOT, pero dependerá de la campaña gráfica masiva que permitirá insertar la ¨nueva¨ imagen; y no de su efectividad visual. El restyiling seguramente pase desapercibido por el usuario final. ¿Valió la pena la inversión de tiempo / dinero / creatividad?