A graphic designer, professional, with 45 years of experience. Lives in Quito (Pichincha), Ecuador. Specializes in Diseño editorial, de marca y empaques.. Works at Azuca. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Textile Design, Communication, Illustration, Branding. Juan joined FOROALFA in 2010.
I am a teacher, researcher, and graphic design professional with 35 years of experience. I research popular culture. I run a book publishing house. My areas of interest include architecture, branding, communication, audiovisual design, graphic design, industrial design, editorial design, textile design, web design, and illustration.
I have been honored with first prize in the art catalog category, with the Promerica / EnriqueMadrid catalog, at the XX Latin American Graphic Products Competition, Theoblado deNigris”, from COLATINGRAF, Paraguay, in 2013. In addition, with first prize in the “Cultural Book and Poster Award” in the poster category from the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador, in 2009.
One year ago I like the comment of Carlos Rincón in the article
Los países y las ciudades no son marcas
One year ago I like the article:
One year ago I like the reply of Luciano Cassisi in the dialog started by Mario Fuentes en el artículo
Endogamia y romanticismo en las bienales del cartel
One year ago I like the comment of Rafael Castro in the article
Endogamia y romanticismo en las bienales del cartel
One year ago I like the comment of Jorge Reares in the article
Endogamia y romanticismo en las bienales del cartel
Jan 2023 I like the reply of Luciano Cassisi in the dialog started by Mario Fuentes en el artículo
Endogamia y romanticismo en las bienales del cartel
Jan 2023 I like the reply of Luciano Cassisi in the dialog started by Mario Fuentes en el artículo
Endogamia y romanticismo en las bienales del cartel
Jan 2023 Published the article:
Aug 2020 I like the article:
Aug 2020 My opinion in the article ¿Qué es un imagotipo? Una historia disparatada que seguramente no te contaron