José Antonio Giménez

José Antonio Giménez


A communication expert, professional, professor, with 26 years of experience. Lives in Valencia (Valencia), Spain. Works at Sanserif Creatius. Teaches at Universidad de Valencia (UV-EG). Is interested in Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Communication, Interior Design, Branding. José Antonio joined FOROALFA in 2010.

Published articles:

Articles by José Antonio Giménez (6)

Design and chess blindness
Low-tech design paves today a path designers should have never left, but businesses are still dazzled by a technological sensationalism that forgot to give answers.
Wood’s Future Is in the Rear Mirror
If we want to be recognized, searched, and valued, we should remain faithful to our tradition, recover the virtues of craftwork and with them meet the requirements of the consumer.
Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant
The values and sensations that used to be conveyed through the physical characteristics of the medium should not be replaced by a void now.
Made in Spain, a Reality
We let qualified professional to leave and we reduce our manufacturing autonomy. And that obviously affects local industrial designers and weakens the companies’ room for manoeuvre.

Translations by José Antonio Giménez (5)

The capacity of visualizing
The essential of designing resides on the ability to imagine how things will work before they materialize.
From the Useful-object to the Object-tool
Freed from its functional responsibility, useful-objects appear as single-useful formal phenomena whose morphology is used to express a particular message.
Craftsmanship and design
Craftsmanship can not be limited to reproduce past tools and essentials. There is a minor market of handmade products that design should attend to.

More information about José Antonio Giménez

Journalist & Designer en Sanserif Creatius. Soy creativo y docente, profesional con 14 años de trayectoria. Trabajo en Sanserif Creatius. Ejerzo la docencia en Universidad de Valencia (UV-EG). Finalista en los Premios Nacionales de Artesanía - PNA 2012

Recent activity of José Antonio Giménez

José Antonio Giménez

Jun 2019 Translated the article:

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 My reply on the dialogue started by Gloria María Martínez TorresGloria María Martínez Torres in the article ¿La muerte del papel?¿La muerte del papel?

No creo que haya que elegir y descartar una de las dos, sino aprovechar el potencial de cada una. La digital por su versatilidad y flexibilidad para evolucionarla y relacionarla, la tradicional para aprovechar sus valores sensitivos y funcionales. Es el reto del diseñador y de los editores acostumbrados a copiar el formato papel al digital sin variar el formato o los requisitos.

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 My opinion in the article Diseño y ceguera ajedrecísticaDiseño y ceguera ajedrecística

Cierto. Es el mismo problema que pasa aquí en España. La profunda crisis vivida no ha servido de nada. Las empresas se han enrocado y siguen con sus mismo planteamientos. E incluso mercados más flexibles como el artesano sigue evitando la reconversión, y considera la apuesta por el diseño como un elemento extraño, como algo no vinculado a la actividad comercial sino más bien expositiva o promocional.

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 My reply on the dialogue started by Marisol Muñoz PlascenciaMarisol Muñoz Plascencia in the article Cuando los zapatos explican el mundo en que vivimosCuando los zapatos explican el mundo en que vivimos

Es un principio. Si todas las disciplinas creativas nos acercamos a la filosofía sostenible -aunque algunos lo hagan por imagen o puro interés comercial- la sociedad mejorará. Y esa debe ser nuestra mayor esperanza.

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 I like the comment of Marisol Muñoz PlascenciaMarisol Muñoz Plascencia in the article Cuando los zapatos explican el mundo en que vivimosCuando los zapatos explican el mundo en que vivimos

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 My opinion in the article Recipe book to get over the crisis with designRecipe book to get over the crisis with design

La página de ya no funciona :(, pero se pueden seguir consultando las entradas y/o solicitar el libro a través de https://sanserifcreatius.wordp... y de https://hiatusbookblog.wordpre...

José Antonio Giménez

May 2016 Published the article:

José Antonio Giménez

Sep 2015 Translated the article:

José Antonio Giménez

Aug 2015 Translated the article:

José Antonio Giménez

Jul 2015 Published the article:

José Antonio Giménez is following 25 profiles

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Diana Cuevas May 2013
Portrait of Helen Serrano
Helen Serrano May 2013
Portrait of Nicolas Izquierdo
Nicolas Izquierdo May 2013
Portrait of Nicolas Arbelaez
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Portrait of Estefania Flores
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Portrait of Diana Milena Buenahora Lopez
Diana Milena Buenahora Lopez May 2013
Portrait of Omar Guerrero
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Portrait of Richard Mendoza
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Portrait of Angela Zamudio
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Portrait of Victoria Pascual
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Portrait of Felipe Jácome
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Portrait of Gabriela Olvera
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Portrait of Ana Yago
Ana Yago Jun 2012
Portrait of Fabiola Godoy
Fabiola Godoy Jun 2012
Portrait of Johan Ulloa
Johan Ulloa Jun 2012

There are 52 followers of José Antonio Giménez

Portrait of Olivia Dos
Olivia Dos 10 months ago
Portrait of Giovanna Torrico
Giovanna Torrico Nov 2017
Portrait of Martii Stack
Martii Stack Mar 2017
Portrait of Pier Alessi
Pier Alessi Jan 2017
Portrait of Daniel Humberto Jaramillo Jaramillo
Daniel Humberto Jaramillo Jaramillo Sep 2016
Portrait of Julia Siafas
Julia Siafas Jun 2016
Portrait of Carlos Alvarez
Carlos Alvarez Apr 2016
Portrait of Carlitos Seillant
Carlitos Seillant Dec 2015
Portrait of Olmo Garcia
Olmo Garcia Nov 2015
Portrait of Paula Gómez
Paula Gómez Jul 2015
Portrait of Alicia Bonillo
Alicia Bonillo Jun 2015
Portrait of Gabi Lubiano
Gabi Lubiano May 2015
Portrait of Andres Urrutia
Andres Urrutia Apr 2015
Portrait of Salferg Th
Salferg Th Dec 2013
Portrait of Oldskull
Oldskull Oct 2013