Horacio Olvera is a graphic designer, student. Lives in Tula (Hidalgo), Mexico. Specializes in Diseño tipográfico. Is interested in Graphic Design, Communication, Illustration, Branding. Horacio is in FOROALFA since 2012.
Jul 2015 I like the article:
May 2015 I like the article:
Apr 2015 I like the article:
Jul 2013 I like the article:
Sep 2012 I like the article:
Aug 2012 I started following:
Aug 2012 I like the article:
Aug 2012 I started following:
Aug 2012 My opinion in the article De la poesía visual al diseño tipográfico
Muy interesante artículo. Espero con ansias el complemento. Saludos.