A graphic designer, professional, professor. Lives in Mendoza (Mendoza), Argentina. Teaches at UNIVERSIDAD DEL ACONCAGUA. Is interested in Graphic Design, Advertising. Alumnos2009 joined FOROALFA in 2009.
Jul 2017 I like the comment of Joaquín Eduardo Sánchez Mercado in the article
El diseñador y el publicista: ¿quién es quién?
Jul 2017 I like the comment of André Gómez in the article
El diseñador y el publicista: ¿quién es quién?
Aug 2012 I like the article:
Aug 2012 I started following:
Aug 2012 I like the comment of Julio Rojas in the article
SANdeces en SANs serif
Mar 2012 I like the article:
Jan 2012 I like the article:
Jan 2012 I like the article:
Jun 2011 I like the article:
Feb 2011 I like the article: