An architect, professional, student, with 15 years of experience. Lives in Montevideo, Uruguay. Specializes in Fotografía. Is a student at Bios. Works at Independiente / Freelance. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics, Art, Education, Photography. Vanessa joined FOROALFA in 2015.
Jun 2016 I like the article:
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Apr 2015 My opinion in the article Ayuda a tu cliente para que te elija
Totalmente de acuerdo. Subrayo el hecho de que no solo el cliente elije, sino que también como profesionales elejimos el tipo de clientes con los que deseamos trabajar.
Apr 2015 I like the article: