A graphic designer, professional, student, with 18 years of experience. Lives in Formosa (Formosa), Argentina. Specializes in Publicidad gráfica. Is a student at Instituto Argentino de Computación. Works at Independiente / Freelance. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Branding, Technology. Omar joined FOROALFA in 2007.
Englishman Graphic Designer
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Apr 2014 Translated the article:
Mar 2014 Translated the article:
Mar 2014 Translated the article:
Jan 2014 Translated the article:
Dec 2013 Translated the article:
Dec 2013 Translated the article:
Nov 2013 Translated the article:
Nov 2013 Translated the article:
Jul 2013 I like the article: