Buenos Aires
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
A graphic designer, professional, student. Lives in Buenos Aires (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires), Argentina. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Branding, Technology, Motion Graphics, Art, Education, Photography. Bruno joined FOROALFA in 2012.
Mar 2014 I started following:
Sep 2012 I like the article:
Aug 2012 I like the article:
Aug 2012 My opinion in the article SANdeces en SANs serif
¡Qué gran incentivo para los demonios urbanos!
Jun 2012 I like the comment of Oscar Javier Varona in the article
¿YPF debe volver a su antigua marca gráfica?
May 2012 I like the comment of Andrea Marcela Centell in the article
No es un logo, ¡es un escudo!