Alessandro Valerio Santos

Alessandro Valerio Santos

Rio de Janeiro

An architect, professor, student, with 33 years of experience. Lives in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil. Specializes in Consultoría de negocios. Is a student at Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial. Teaches at Infnet. Is interested in Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Marketing, Technology, Education. Alessandro Valerio joined FOROALFA in 2017.


More information about Alessandro Valerio Santos

Administrator, master and PhD student in design in the Industrial Design School, at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, ESDI/UERJ, is currently Manager in Design Business Incubators at ESDI, developing project coordination actions and entrepreneurs support in methodology design thinking and PMI. Over 15 years experience in the academic area as operations coordinator at Getulio Vargas Foundation and as a consultant in other universities. Professor in undergraduate and post-graduation courses on the following themes: entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, design business management, project management and creative industries. Currently is Vice Coordinator of the Incubators and Technology Parks Network of Rio de Janeiro ‐ REINC, thematic network of REDETEC - Technology Network of Rio de Janeiro.

Recent activity of Alessandro Valerio Santos

Alessandro Valerio Santos

Nov 2017 Published the article:

Alessandro Valerio Santos

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Portrait of Rique Nitzsche
Rique Nitzsche Jan 2017