Designer gráfica, estudante, com experiência de 6 anos. Reside em Bucaramanga (Santander), Colômbia. É especialista em Diseño y Animacion Digital. Estuda em UDI (UNIVERSIDAD DE INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO).. Tem interesse em Design Audiovisual, Design Grafico, Design Web, Publicidade, Ilustração, Marketing, Branding, Tecnologia, Motion Graphics, Arte, Fotografia. Lizeth ingressou no FOROALFA em 2014.
We are a new independent studio that is looking to change the rules of the game. We don’t have limits and we don’t like to be classified in only one place. That’s why, Five Spots is the perfect set of five different disciplines to the creation and evolution of the brands.
We use the different tools, resources and elements that these five disciplines give us to take full advantage of your personal brand, organization or business.
These Five disciplines are:
-Graphic Design
-Audiovisuals and Multimedia
-Advertising and Digital Marketing
Nov. 2014 Gosto o artigo: