Ale Karbuniaris

Ale Karbuniaris


Ale Karbuniaris es publicista, estudiante. Reside en Santiago, Chile. Tiene interés en Diseño Audiovisual, Diseño de Indumentaria, Relaciones Públicas, Diseño Gráfico, Diseño Industrial, Publicidad, Urbanismo, Comunicación, Ilustración, Marketing, Diseño de Interiores, Branding, Tecnología, Diseño de Moda, Motion Graphics, Arte, Fotografía. Ale está en FOROALFA desde 2014.


Más información sobre Ale Karbuniaris

During the photo shoot the Mad Day Out, Paul gave his a small button gala to John, that we will use in their costumes and clothing in general. John was wearing the button, the day he was killed, witnesses (Yoko, a taxi driver, hotel keeper and several photographers) to fall to the floor. John put his hand on his chest,they thought they had cast for the pain suffered, what they really did not see was that it was to hold the button that his friend had given him years ago that day. It is said that the button was cremated with the body of John. Soy una barbie girl;)

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