A marketer, professional, with 45 years of experience. Lives in Caracas (Miranda), Venezuela. Specializes in Coach, Consultant, Speaker. Works at on my own. Is interested in Public Relations, Communication, Marketing, Branding. Ruben joined FOROALFA in 2014.
I graduated in Chemical Engineering at The Ohio State University in 1980. I attended graduate school in Business Administration, focusing in Marketing, here in Venezuela. Since 1985, my professional career has developed in sales and marketing holging managerial positions. I worked at Colgate Palmolive, Cerveceria Regional, Nestle - DPA Venezuela, among others. I currently own a company in the Health business. For the last 8 years, I have been a consultant, coach and speaker in 4 companies: Industrias Termoplex (industrial design), Bimbo de Venezuela (food industry), Expo 747 Centro de Distribucion y Logistica (sales and distribution) and Soma (pharmaceutical industry). I was recently signed by Multiskill as a capacitator in their training programs.
Sep 2022 I like the comment of Carlos Galicia in the article El líder vencedor
Aug 2014 My opinion in the article The Rise of Craft Beer
May 2014 My reply on the dialogue started by Carlos Galicia in the article El líder vencedor
Gracias Carlos por tu comentario. El entusiasmo se propaga en Todos los miembros del equipo y colíderes cuando tenemos esa emoción que contagia y mueve. Lo contrario también es verdad. Por eso siempre debemos hacer lo imposible por mantenernos enfocados, tener control, darle el justo valor a la eventualidad y no desanimarnos
May 2014 Published the article: