A marketer, student, with 14 years of experience. Lives in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Specializes in Diseñador Grafico. Is a student at Escuela Superior Politècnica del Litoral (ESPOL). Is interested in Clothing Design, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Branding, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics, Art, Photography. Rosemery joined FOROALFA in 2014.
He estudiado Marketing, Comercializacion y Ventas desde el colegio quiero seguir expandiendo mis conocimientos en esta área, aportando con mis ideas y puntos de vista.
Jun 2016 I started following:
Jun 2016 I started following:
Jun 2014 I started following:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I like the article:
Jun 2014 I started following: