Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez


A graphic designer, student. Lives in Luque (Central), Paraguay. Specializes in Arte. Is interested in Graphic Design, Advertising, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Branding, Motion Graphics, Education. Rosario María joined FOROALFA in 2012.


More information about Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

"I hope I die before I get old" My Generation - The Who Todos los días veo algo hermoso... aun lo he podido fotografiar... Cuando lo fotografíe podre VIVIR en Paz. Sui.

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Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

May 2012 I started following:

Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

May 2012 I started following:

Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

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Carlos Venancio

Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

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Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez is following 3 profiles

Portrait of Norberto Chaves
Norberto Chaves May 2012
Portrait of Luciano Cassisi
Luciano Cassisi May 2012
Portrait of Carlos Venancio
Carlos Venancio May 2012

There are 1 followers of Rosario María Gonzalez Ramírez

Portrait of Sergio Steven Velazquez Alarcon
Sergio Steven Velazquez Alarcon May 2012