Paola Saldierna

Paola Saldierna

San Luis Potosí

A graphic designer, professional, with 16 years of experience. Lives in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Specializes in Diseño y desarrollo de productos. Works at Centre Design & Innovation Laurent Beaudoin. Is interested in Clothing Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Communication, Marketing, Branding, Technology, Art. Paola joined FOROALFA in 2012.


More information about Paola Saldierna

I am a Graphic Designer and Marketing Specialist based in Mexico. My expertise areas are graphic product development, user centred design, marketing communication strategies and processes. I faithfully believe in innovation and creativity as the basis of my work.

Besides work I love traveling and interesting movies. I am very committed with woman empowerment and human rights. My current passion is creativity and innovation in problem solving.

Recent activity of Paola Saldierna

Paola Saldierna

Jul 2014 I started following:

Paola Saldierna

Jul 2014 My opinion in the article La innovación en diseño no se encuentra en el diseñoLa innovación en diseño no se encuentra en el diseño

Interesante el tema de voltear a ver las estructuras del pensamiento para cambiar paradigmas desde ahí. Cuestionaría desde el término "design thinking", para abarcar un área en la que no hay fronteras entre las disciplinas.

Paola Saldierna

Oct 2012 I like the article:

Paola Saldierna

Oct 2012 I like the article:

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