Nelson Rostro Zarazua is a graphic designer, professor. Lives in Monterrey, Mexico. Specializes in Ilustración. Is interested in Audiovisual Design, Clothing Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Textile Design, Illustration, Marketing, Branding, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics, Art, Photography. Nelson is in FOROALFA since 2014.
Soy Feo... y AMO a May Soy feo y poco interesante.... En un Viaje constante buscandome a mi mismo, tratando siempre ser mejor, buscando ser no humano, un dios!! Raro, Galáctico, Infantil, Soñador, Héroe frustrado, Ilustrador, Jedi, Gamer, Fool, Cineasta, Mejicano, No Humano, Misántropo Filántropo, Hazlo tu mismo.
Feb 2016 My opinion in the article Lucha libre mexicana
muy bueno!
Jun 2015 I like the article: