General Roca
Neuquén - Rio Negro
An interior designer, student, with 12 years of experience. Lives in General Roca (Neuquén - Rio Negro), Argentina. Specializes in Diseño de interiores y mobiliario. Is a student at Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Industrial Design, Urbanism, Landscaping, Interior Design, Art, Photography. Mailén joined FOROALFA in 2013.
Soy estudiante de Diseño de Interiores y Mobiliario en la Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro.
Apr 2014 I like the comment of Samuel Cadena in the article
Bibliotecas en busca de lectores
Apr 2014 I like the comment of Marcela Guajardo in the article
Bibliotecas en busca de lectores
Dec 2013 I like the comment of Edith Molina in the article
Bibliotecas en busca de lectores
Dec 2013 My opinion in the article Bibliotecas en busca de lectores
Los integrantes del grupo que hemos realizado esta reseña son:
Abad Toledo, Micaela
Culasso Barreiros, Tamara A.
Lopez Sarniguet, L. Mailén
Svampa, Daniela R.
Dec 2013 Published the article: