Hugo Paredes

Hugo Paredes


A graphic designer, professional, with 25 years of experience. Lives in Quito (Pichincha), Ecuador. Specializes in Producción y desarrollo de productos. Works at HOMONIMUS PUBLICIDAD. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Advertising, Illustration, Marketing, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Motion Graphics, Photography. Hugo joined FOROALFA in 2024.


More information about Hugo Paredes

I started developing my work after finishing my studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and arts. My degree is in Design, and as soon as I finished, I jumped into the world of entrepreneurship by starting my first design and advertising company with a colleague.

Since then, I have worked in every segment of the advertising market, from the intellectual side to the production and manufacturing processes. I have even learned carpentry, locksmithing, and electricity, trades necessary to develop products that, together with technological development teams, turn ideas into physical and tangible objects.

I am the proud creator and owner of StickyIdea, a brand that encompasses over 100 coded items that are marketed in different lines in commercial retail nationwide in Ecuador.

Recent activity of Hugo Paredes

Hugo Paredes

11 months ago My opinion in the article Cómo transmitir el concepto de marca en brandingCómo transmitir el concepto de marca en branding

Leyéndolo como lo explicas todo toma sentido, años tratando de enlazar iconos con conceptos y valores, haciéndolos forzados, rebuscados, imprácticos, solo para satisfacer la idea del cliente de tener una relación gráfica con su giro de negocio, buen artículo.

Hugo Paredes

11 months ago I like the article:

Hugo Paredes

12 months ago I like the article: