Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Santa Cruz de la Sierra

An architect, student. Lives in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Is interested in Architecture, Audiovisual Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Urbanism, Communication, Illustration, Marketing, Landscaping, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Motion Graphics, Art, Education, Photography. Cindy joined FOROALFA in 2019.


Recent activity of Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Sep 2019 I like the article:

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Aug 2019 I like the comment of Néstor Damián OrtegaNéstor Damián Ortega in the article Hoy he ido al mercadoHoy he ido al mercado

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Jun 2019 I like the comment of Néstor Damián OrtegaNéstor Damián Ortega in the article Claudicar o desdoblarseClaudicar o desdoblarse

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Jun 2019 My opinion in the article Lucha libre mexicanaLucha libre mexicana

Me parece interesante la forma en la que sus vestimentas logran ser algo que represente la lucha mexicana, y pueda llegar a ser una fuente de inspiración para muchos artistas, y lograr plasmarlo en el mundo de la moda y objetos industriales

Cindy Pivetta Gomes

Jun 2019 I started following:

Cindy Pivetta Gomes is following 1 profile

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