Brand Identity: Complete guide to branding

A comprehensive compilation of branding agencies, corporate identity, rebranding, etc. Learn everything you need to know about brand identity and branding and marketing, with the best thought-provoking articles, case studies, book references, discussions and advice.

Birth and Evolution of the Brand in 7 Steps
The commercial brand was born 3500 years ago.First it was a sign, then a meaning, later a TV story in 30 seconds. Today, it is a complex social and transmedial phenomenon.
Reality of «Reality»
Missing the authenticity of pre-marketing, we have created an equally artificial aesthetic of tradition and handicrafts.
Logos to Go
Corporate identity design is changing. There are designers for whom quantity matters more than quality.
Minimalist Packaging
Minimalism requires to decide on what is really necessary from what is not.
Branding types
Branding is connected with brand image, positioning and reputation. It is the result of an endless list of marketing and design strategies.