All about design criticism

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A “graphic Houdini”
The combined role of programmatic restrictions and creativity in the accomplishment of message effectiveness.
Realities and Conventions
Even though we refuse to accept it, there is indeed life in other brains: the culture of scorn harms us designers.
A passion for design
Who doesn't want to feel passion for what he or she likes, and loves?
When Conviction Gets in the Way
Not all pathways lead us to the same design, nor we all have to design through the same pathway.
Sundays Smell of Roast Chicken
The least one can ask of a chair is for it to be functional and ergonomic but these qualities no longer suffice Today a chair will have to adjust to the shifting tastes of society
Keep the User in Mind to Overcome the Crisis
The user – buyer – needs new incentives to purchase a product. It is not enough for it to be functional, it needs to fulfil the values and the lifestyle of the user
Creation as the Human Essence
In a world surrounding us with material, creation has become part of our essence, a key piece in the evolution of mankind.
Usage and brand
Can we design to unbrand instead of branding? It'd be convenient to «self-design» ourselves through our own ways of using, without others marking us with their ways of design.
Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant
The values and sensations that used to be conveyed through the physical characteristics of the medium should not be replaced by a void now.
Why Does the Client Think Different?
When a client rejects our work is usually because we do not take their opinion into account. We think that it is only us, the designers, who have the knowlegde.
Planned Obsolescence
Design should no longer respond to market interests anymore, but to the human needs that as a global community we have created as time goes by.
Graphic design's carbon footprint
Carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse effect gases, bound to a product or service.