Gonz Oaxaca

Gonz Oaxaca

Ciudad de México

Gonz Oaxaca è un video designer, professionale, studente. Vive a Ciudad de México, Messico. Si interessa di Design dell'audiovisivo, Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustrazione, Branding, Grafica Animata, Arte, Fotografia. Gonz è in FOROALFA dal 2014.


Maggiori informazioni su Gonz Oaxaca

when it comes to practicing i would spent about 63 hours a day, to do that i had to time warp by playing over 400 notes per second i was allowed to go back in time and get that 63 hours. i dont go back in time anymore because i aged a lot faster and killed man kind in the process. For my chops i would usually have a strict diet of potatoes and small mammals. small mammals are good for the hands. all my guitars are custom and were painted by michael angelo and i dont mean that guitar noob i mean the guy that painted jesus on ceilings and stuff. umm i can play over 4 million notes per second. but i dont do it because people die

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