Calderon Iturralde on Less is Less, More is More (37944)

Dialogue initiated by Silvia Calderon Iturralde in the article Less is Less, More is More

Portrait of Silvia Calderon Iturralde
Aug 2013

Well, i agree with daniel Raposo the «more with less is better» and you are trying to express that «It's time to abandon the figurative meaning and give words their proper meaning: «less is less» and «more and more»» Can you imagine a chanel Logo with barroque, overloaded, complex design? we need to comunicate in design simple but with a good concept! and this does not mean that less is less!

Portrait of Luciano Cassisi
Aug 2013

I'm just against absolute rules. That's all. Every project involves specific decisions, they should address specific problems. Simplicity is not always the appropriate solution.


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