Fabian Alvarez

Fabian Alvarez


Fabian Alvarez è un industrial designer, studente, con 15 anni di esperienza. Vive a Querétaro, Messico. Si specializza in Diseño estratégico. Studente in UAQ Facultad de ingeniería. Si interessa di Design Industriale, Illustrazione, Branding. Fabian è in FOROALFA dal 2013.


Maggiori informazioni su Fabian Alvarez

Industrial design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer.

Industrial designers develop these concepts and specifications through collection, analysis and synthesis of data guided by the special requirements of the client or manufacturer. They are trained to prepare clear and concise recommendations through drawings, models and verbal descriptions.

Industrial design services are often provided within the context of cooperative working relationships with other members of a development group. Typical groups include management, marketing, engineering and manufacturing specialists. The industrial designer expresses concepts that embody all relevant design criteria determined by the group. http://www.idsa.org/what-is-industrial-design

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