Tania Toledo

Tania Toledo

Distrito Federal

Tania Toledo is a graphic designer, student. Lives in Distrito Federal, Mexico. Specializes in Diseño editorial. Is interested in Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration, Branding. Tania is in FOROALFA since 2012.


More information about Tania Toledo

SoY uNa CiKa, LInDA, AlGrE, RisUeaE Y mE gUZtA eStaR cOn MIs AmiWOs y ExaR RElAjO!!!, eScUxAr MuSiK y hACer maNuaLiDAdeS

Recent activity of Tania Toledo

Tania Toledo

May 2016 I like the article:

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May 2016 I started following:

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Portrait of Daniel Ghinaglia
Daniel Ghinaglia May 2016