Sara Bustamante

Sara Bustamante


Sara Bustamante is a communication expert, professional. Lives in Quito, Ecuador. Is interested in Public Relations. Sara is in FOROALFA since 2013.


More information about Sara Bustamante

Weird facts: I love wearing glasses. I got my first pair when I was 13 and instead of cursing or thinking that my life was ruined I was really exited. When I was a kid I wanted to have brackets. At some point many of my friends had to start wearing them and they used to complain about it (I guess like any normal kid) and I couldn’t stop thinking that brackets were cool. I have to drink water before going to bed at night, but it doesn’t matter how much water I pour into the glass, I always leave about an inch because subconsciously I think I’m gonna feel thirsty later. I can make tiny origami paper cranes out of Trident’s paper.

Upcoming online seminars (in Spanish)

Refreshing courses to specialize with the best

Estrategia de Marca

Estrategia de Marca

Claves para programar el diseño de símbolos y logotipos de alto rendimiento

20 hours (approx.)
1 mayo

Tipología de Marcas

Tipología de Marcas

Criterios y herramientas para seleccionar el tipo adecuado al diseñar marcas

15 hours (approx.)
1 mayo

Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 junio