Laura Camacho Leal

Laura Camacho Leal

Nuevo León

Laura Camacho Leal is , student, with 16 years of experience. Lives in Monterrey (Nuevo León), Mexico. Is a student at Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. Is interested in Architecture, Clothing Design, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Web Design, Advertising, Urbanism, Textile Design, Illustration, Marketing, Landscaping, Interior Design, Branding, Technology, Fashion Design, Motion Graphics. Laura is in FOROALFA since 2012.


More information about Laura Camacho Leal

Smart, funny, sarcastic and direct.. looove to talk about things with no answer and contradict certain established ones. I guess u've already seen how cute and modest i am.


College: (8th semester of Architecture @ Faculty of Architecture - UANL)

Upcoming online seminars (in Spanish)

Refreshing courses to specialize with the best

Estrategia de Marca

Estrategia de Marca

Claves para programar el diseño de símbolos y logotipos de alto rendimiento

20 hours (approx.)
1 mayo

Tipología de Marcas

Tipología de Marcas

Criterios y herramientas para seleccionar el tipo adecuado al diseñar marcas

15 hours (approx.)
1 mayo

Branding Corporativo

Branding Corporativo

Cómo planificar, construir y gestionar la marca de empresas e instituciones

20 hours (approx.)
1 junio